Course description

User interface for mobile apps; Internet services and store-retrieve data in support of mobile apps; Architecture the difference between desktop and mobile applications; Differences compare and highlight some popular mobile app; New mobile app development tools


Week Lecture Lab BYOD
1 Introduction IntelliJ IDEA , Hello world PC
2-4 Basic Kotlin Programming Language IntelliJ IDEA , Grader PC
5 Mobile Application Framework Application Life cycle Android Studio Android Hello World PC / Smartphone
6 User interface Activities, Layout, Manifest, Animation PC / Smartphone
7 Mobile Multimedia Framework Image, Audio, Video PC / Smartphone
8-9 Inter-process communication Intent , Intent filter PC / Smartphone
10 Data storage and File system Broadcast receiver PC / Smartphone
11 Mobile communication framework and Global positioning system SMS, GPS, Google Map PC / Smartphone / EMU
12 Sensors and Power management Sensors and Power management PC / Smartphone
1314 Background process and service Timer, Thread, AsyncTask, Service PC / Smartphone
15 Mobile Database system SQLite, Content Provider PC / Smartphone / EMU


Facebook group for discussion

Recommend IDE:Android Studio

Portable AndroidSDK

If you want to program the real smart phone then the universal ADB driver is recommended.

Resource files for Lab works



Emulator Hotkeys

Android Studio Hotkeys

Youtube URL to RTSP protocol

3GP test video clip

OI Notepad

Find prime k source code

Tester website for HTTP POST

Apache MIME type Library

Sample Database for Meter Logger Example




Course Outline

00 Introduction smart phones

01 Limitation of mobile devices

02_1 Introduction to Android

02_2 Android Debug Bridge

03 Android Activity

04 Android Multimedia

05 Android Intent

06 Files

07 SMS and Broadcast Receiver

08 GPS and GoogleMap

09 Google MapAPO


10.1 Introduction to Sensors Framework

10.2 Light Sensor

10.3 Proximity Sensor

10.4 Accelerometer Sensor

10.5 Gyroscope Sensor

10.6 Magnetic field Sensor

10.7 Virtual Sensors

10.8 Sound Sensor

10.9 Camera API

10.10 Battery Sensor

10.11 Touch screen

Background process

11 Concurrence task and Background process

12 Service Framework


13 SQLite and ListView

14 Content Provider

Internet programming

15 Connectivity

16 MIME Type and HTTP post

17 TCP/IP Socket Programming (client)

18 TCP/IP Socket Programming (server)

Power Management

19 Wakelock

Lab sheet

01 Hello world

02 Activity

Example project

SimpleSMS sender

Sensors Learning Tool Source / Binary

Multi-touch 1

Multi-touch 2



Android 2/2557